Monday, March 31, 2014

The Most 5 Effective Tips to Control Weight Gain After Delivery

control weight after delivaryThe Most 5 Effective Tips to Control Weight Gain After Delivery

The decision to control weight gain after delivery can be a very simple task only if you planned well for it. Even if you’re following one of the best weight loss plans, if you don’t go strictly on to it, you shall not be waiting for the expected outcomes.

Following are five of the most effective gradual tips that will help you both to control weight gain after delivery and to shed down the extra pounds you gain during pregnancy:

  •  breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding can be considered as the best starting step. Even if you can’t start working-out because that your baby hasn’t completely recovered from the giving-birth process, you can simply start with breastfeeding your baby. It will help you to burn about 500-600 calories per day.

The Most 5 Effective Tips to Control Weight Gain After Delivery


  •  Count your daily meals:

After giving birth, when you feel that you’re ready to start working-out and dieting, you have to start controlling your daily meals. You have to eat about 6 small and healthy meals a day. Don’t think that they are too much. They must be of small portions. Try to eat about half of your normal 3 meals portions. You are still allowed to eat 2 snacks a day, the first in the morning and the second in the mid-day. This technique helps boosting your metabolic process and keeps it working all over the day. Make all of your choices healthy. Replace junk foods and fries by fruits, vegetables, grilled foods, and yogurts.

  • Exercising:

Add some exercises to your daily routine, between 30:60 minutes. Specialists mentioned that it is not about the exercising type you follow, the most important thing is keeping your body active. Whenever you`re not able to do the whole exercise at once, you can go for a 30 minute walk in the morning and complete the remainder when you are free. Choose an exercise you like to keep away from any kind of “boredom” and to be able to make it a daily habit.

  • sleep enough:

Take your enough sleep. Feeling sleepy reduces your energy making you unable to do any of your daily activities. Once your baby takes a nap, just do the same. It is not worthy to still awake when the baby is sleeping. Your husband has to give you a hand in bringing up your baby.

  • Track your hormones:

The changings that happen to you play a significant role helping you to control weight gain after delivery. If your hormones are not balances, they will lead you to overeating.  Exercising will improve the balance and the functioning of your hormones.

The Most 5 Effective Tips to Control Weight Gain After Delivery

Friday, March 21, 2014

Your Way to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week

lose 5 pounds 1 weekYour Way to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week

Vacations are at the doors and we all want to look gorgeous. Looking gorgeous doesn’t mean that you have to lose 50 pounds to let people observe that you`re looking great. Actually, many people start touching the changes after losing only the first 4-5 pounds. It is hard for many people to believe that they can practically lose 5 pounds in 1 week.

Weight loss doesn’t need a starvation system or a tough exercising program. I know it may sounds funny but try to believe it, you can burn fat and cut down pounds while watching TV! Actually, hard work-outs can hurt you if you`re an overweight person, they may harm your knees. It is not an excuse to avoid exercising; it just means that we have to choose the proper exercise programs for our bodies and weights. We can simply, for example, exercising on a standing bike while watching our favorite TV show. This exercising technique is both enjoyable and easy. After a while, we can challenge ourselves by increasing the work-out duration. You have to know that after only a couple of weeks, you’ll find that it is getting much easier. All we need is a 25-30 minute exercise, 3-5 times per week. It is the easiest way through which you can lose weight without exhausting yourself or suffering from any kind of depression.

Your Way to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week

Common mistakes about dieting:

  • If you take weight loss seriously, then you’ll have to forget about comparing yourself to any other person. You may have a friend whose body is slimmer body than yours and you may want to track your progression by comparing yourself to him, it is completely wrong.

  • Don’t keep talking about what you’re doing and your weight loss plan, especially to whether those people who usually lose weight faster than you or those who used to upset you.

You have to keep in mind that everybody has his own physical nature. Every dieter loses weight at his own separate speed. You also have to know that as you get closer to your objective weight, as your weight loss process becomes slower. Thinking about “why others are able to lose weight much faster than I” or telling yourself “I’m a loser” is a self-torture! Honestly, this article is written especially to tell you that you’re not. It is not impossible to lose 5 pounds in 1 week. I myself have done it before! However, as we mentioned above, it is not going to happen every week, weight loss comes slower as time passing.

Working-out is the secret key. It needs determination and patience. Keep in mind that exercising doesn’t mean those heavy and tough work-outs to make you lose weight. You can lose weight by adding simple exercise to your daily routine.

Your Way to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week

Monday, March 17, 2014

The New Effective Honey Weight Loss

honeyThe New Effective Honey Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the many health benefits of honey. Reading this article will help you a lot especially if you’re thinking about going on a honey weight loss program. Before handling the practical applications of honey in weight loss, we want to tell you some of the useful information about honey which will answer most of your questions.

As being a sugary compound, many people are wondering about how honey can be both sugary and helpful to weight loss at the same time. Hence, we would like to tell you more about the nature of the sugars in honey and their effects on our bodies.

Some recent studies have compared between fructose (the sugar in fruits) and sucrose (the typical sugar). 20 persons have participated in these studies; they were given glasses of water containing 75 grams of the two above mentioned kinds of sugar. Then, for the next four hours, their blood sugar meter readings were checked every 30 minutes. Finally, the results have showed that fructose had the minimum effect on the blood sugar. On the other hand, sucrose had showed high meter readings.

Since the sugars in honey are not harmful like those in the processed sugars in markets, honey weight loss is more effective and worthwhile. Additionally, honey includes many healthy minerals and vitamins.

The New Effective Honey Weight Loss

honeyA matter of fact is that digesting processed sugars require our bodies to make use of the minerals and the vitamins kept inside them. Vitamins are crucial to any weight loss process that they play a significant role in burning fats and cutting down pounds. So, if you went on a diet plan containing some foods that are rich in sugars, it will result in putting on more pounds. Still, honey is very nourishing and can contribute a lot in weight loss. Now, we think that you`re familiar with the basic information about honey weight loss.

Next, we`ll offer for you with some of the useful honey weight loss steps and eating options:

  • 1 honey teaspoon and a glass of heated (warm) water:

Mix them together and make it one of your daily eating habits. Honey has been proved to help in burning stored fats and keeping us energetic all over the day.

  • Cinnamon for a better digestion system:

If you have any digestion problems, adding some cinnamon to the honey drink will help you a lot. Cinnamon is proved to release any discomfort feelings and to keep you enthusiastic and determined to keep on your diet plan.

  • Honey after meals:

For the best results, take some honey after finishing your meal is a great option to make for weight loss. It improves both your metabolism and your digestive system.

In conclusion, if you’re serious about weight loss and getting into shape, consulting your doctor will be a perfect step to start with. One of the most common dieting mistakes is that the person who wants to lose weight, just start to eat as less food amounts as he can. Doing this will result in nothing but weakening your immunity. These kinds of starvation diets lead to make your body keep more fats which as soon as you stop, start damaging your body shape. The worst thing that anybody can do to himself is eating large meals and harmful food types. just keep conscious especially when it comes to eating and start following healthy food types such as honey.

The New Effective Honey Weight Loss

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Lemon water for weight lossLemon Water for Weight Loss

Lately, many people have heard about the benefits of  lemon water for weight loss but they still don`t know how does it work or how can they apply it? It is said that we can apply it by pinching one lemon liquid in a glass of warm water. We should drink it every day in the morning after waking up.

Following are the reasons why this dieting technique is simple and effective at the same time:

1-    Lemon includes lots of vitamins such as Vitamin C and many other ingredients which help the body to make use of the Calcium. The thing that improves the metabolic process and helps the body to burn the stored fats. Improving the metabolic process leads to much faster fat-burning than that of the low metabolic rates. The good thing about Calcium is that it keeps us away from food cravings.

2-    Lemon includes big amounts of critic acids that interact and work together with other digestive enzymes which help improving  your digestive system and offering you a better processing of the foods you eat.

3-    The acids in lemon help lowering the blood sugar levels. When we eat foods containing carbohydrates, they turn sugars in to fats. Moreover, if you have the ability to eat the lemon peels, they will help your body to intake as less sugar as possible. And this is why the lemon water is a great option for fat reduction.

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

There are many foods that are rich in Vitamin C just like orange, Kiwi, and Grapefruit. These types of foods help reducing any risks of

lemon water


If you don`t prefer the taste of pure lemon, you may consume it in various ways. You have many options to choose from adding it to honey or cinnamon. This will help improving your metabolic process.

Lemon water for weight loss is very beneficial for health and especially when used for weight loss purposes. It improves the immunity of your body and your digestive system. It also helps releasing the toxins in your liver, kidney, and lymph. The amazing advantage of the lemon water drink that it minimizes all the risks of the cellulite appearance by regulating the blood flowing in your body and your skin.

We can conclude this article by saying that lemon has countless health benefits. Taking it, on a daily basis, will provide us with healthier life.

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

3 Simple Steps to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

lose 5 pounds a week3 Simple Steps to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

Many people wonder about how they can lose 5 pounds a week. I, myself, suffered a lot at the beginning till I discovered the key to make it.

Most of the people who want to cut down some pounds including me are eager to find the way to lose 5 pounds a week. We got sick of those starvation diets which forced us to east only green salads and fruits. Now, we have to start making it simple for all of us.

It true that following some simple guidelines and steps can help us to lose a fair amount of pounds and in a quiet fast time. These simple steps will not ask you to starve yourself anymore.

The best thing about these simple steps is that they can be effective for all kinds of people. Following are the simplest weight loss steps:

3 Simple Steps to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

1-    Colon detox:

Cleaning your body organs and especially your colon is very healthful. Colon detox will help your body to release the toxins and to keep fresh. This will help the body to make use of all the good foods you provide to it. Consequently, it will provide you with energy and makes you feel better.

2-    Natural apple cider vinegar:

Try to make natural apple cider vinegar one of your daily eating habits. It is very good that it can improve your fat-burning rates.

You can take it in the way you like, here are some suggestions:

a – Add only 1 teaspoon of it to your daily meals.

b – Take 3 teaspoons of it throughout your day.

c – Take it in water or in juice.

3-    Exercise (keep active and moving):

If you take weight loss seriously, you`ll have to add some exercise to your daily routine. However, exercising doesn`t mean that you have to exhaust yourself by doing those tough work-outs. Simply,  just do an exercise that you find enjoying.

I, for example, chose to go for a daily 30 minute walk. I love walking and it found it very enjoying. Some studies showed that a 60 minute walk can help reshaping your body and help you to cut down a lot of pounds.

In the end, these were just some of the simple steps that can help anybody to lose 5 pounds a week, of course there many others. Just make sure that you`re on the proper healthy diet plan and exercising program.

3 Simple Steps to Lose 5 Pounds a Week

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Great Tricks to Lose Weight after Giving Birth

losng weight after giving birthGreat Tricks to Lose Weight after Giving Birth

Are you thinking about effective ways to lose weight after giving birth? Have you got sick of the excessive pounds? Then, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are a lot of solutions to this problem. Of course, some of them will be working for you than others. To succeed at this task, you will have to do some changes into your lifestyle. Adding some healthy habits to your daily routine will make you feel better and keep healthy.

If you adhere to your healthy diet plan, then you’ll find it easy to lose weight and get into your ideal weight. The problem is in those dieting pills which are designed for only fast and unhealthy weight loss. Once you stop taking them after feeling that you’ve already lost weight and have no need to take them, you’ll not be able any more to keep on your weight. Consequently, you’ll feel helpless while regaining those pounds you lost.

Great Tricks to Lose Weight after Giving Birth

The best way for you to lose weight after giving birth is starting to go on a healthy diet plan and to do some daily work-outs. In order to enhance your metabolic process, you’ll have to keep an eye on both the types of food you intake and the work-outs you do. You may be thinking that this start is not going to be very effective enough, but after keeping on it for some time, you`ll be surprised by the outcome and the new healthy changes in your lifestyle.

Gimmick diet plans and unhealthy food types are the biggest enemies to you, try to keep away from both of them. Always try to choose nutritious foods which will help you a lot to lose weight and keep healthy. There are some nutritious foods that have to be found in most of your meals such as veggies, fruits, and whole grains. They are rich in fibers. So, they will help you to feel full and for long times and reduce your chances of overeating.


Great Tricks to Lose Weight after Giving Birth

If you are not working-out thinking that your baby is allowing you to do so, then it is time for you to adopt another perspective about exercising. I don’t mean by exercising that you have to go to the gymnasium or enroll in one of the keep in shape classes. It is much more simple than this, you can just accompany your baby going for a walk. Now, there are many kinds of baby carriages which are especially designed for moms thinking about walking or even running. So, you have no more to trouble yourself looking for someone to baby-set your baby while you`re exercising any more.

Adding healthy changes into your lifestyle will help you to achieve everlasting weight loss. Once you got used to those healthy habits, you will find it very easy to maintain your weight loss. The only problem about this way of dieting is that it must take its time to work. But as soon as it works, it will last with you for a long time.

Great Tricks to Lose Weight after Giving Birth

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cholesterol and diet

cholestrol and dietCholesterol and diet

Cholesterol: has the greatest effect on your dieting

If cholesterol was a challenge at the time when Charles Darwin’s offered his concept “Survival of the fittest”, he’d undoubtedly revise it and write it again. If he was alive nowadays, he would be fighting with the problem of cholesterol. The “Survival of the fittest” theory needs a serious concentration these days, while about 50% of the human-beings fighting with cholesterol.

Our predecessors had lived on water, fruits, leaves, roots, cereals, grasses and hunting for most of their lives. They did the overwhelming hunting job with no need for 4 by 4 of shotguns.

Survival, nowadays, is completely different from that one of our predecessors. It doesn’t need any fighting with or running after the animals. It also doesn’t mean digging the ground searching for roots. Honestly, combating with ourselves is what weakening us. Brutal predator is the main and popular source of cholesterol. Many books may couldn’t be enough for us to write down the foods and drinks that cause cholesterol problems. They include, for example, chocolate, cookies, sodas, and maintenance drinks.

Your lifestyle and eating habits define your so-called condition Cholesterol. Some people, for example, have very high levels of cholesterol. Other people’s conditions reach Cancers.

Cholesterol and diet

Cholesterol is a signal telling you that there is a problem in your body system and that it’s not working well, there is no balance in it. Hence, cholesterol is just showing it for you.

The greatest effect of cholesterol high levels on your diet is fat.

Although our renal system generates 75% of the cholesterol percentage, only 25% of it is taken from the food we eat. In the conditions of high cholesterol rates, there is a mixture of various fats. There are both useful and harmful kinds of fats for cholesterol levels. The thing that had been evident is that those harmful types of fats multiply the danger of some specific illnesses while those good ones, the monounsaturated and the polyunsaturated, reduce the danger. So, what you need to do is to replace the harmful fats with the useful ones.

Your body is a fruitful soil

An intensive research has proved that, the recent increase of cholesterol in our societies is a sign of the change that’s happening in our lifestyles. When a specific problem is faced by all kinds of human-beings worldwide, it is not accidental. But, it is an organized strategy growing all over the world with no caring for borders and societies.

Bodies are afflicted by chemicals and acids: free from extra fat, sugars, carbohydrates, and uric acid which are main components in most of the recent foods.

The author of “The PH miracle”, Robert A. Young says: “”There is only One Sickness and One Disease, and this one ‘sickness’ is the over-acidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and eating… there can therefore be only one remedy and treatment, and that is to alkalize the body and break the cycle of imbalance, thus allowing us to experience the energy, vitality and true health we’re all meant to have.”

Advices for fat consumption: cut off cholesterol

Despite the complexity and the variety of cholesterol effects up on our health, the essential point is straightforward and easy: track your fat intake and eat only the useful ones.

Cholesterol and diet

Concentrate on the main reason causing you Cholesterol. Pick out fruits and veggies that clean your body of any acids, get rid of any extra fats by sticking to a good exercise plan. The spreading medications that promise to lower your cholesterol levels are good medicines that work well when you’re hard-pressed.

Rather than “Medication” and “suffering from its symptoms”, start taking care of your “Health” and fining right Diet plans to solve the problem.

Cholesterol and diet